When you try to communicate with your partner do you feel as though your partner speaks a different language? Do your attempts at communicating result in conflict? Do you want better communication with your partner?
Are you experiencing excessive negativity in your relationship, so that you no longer look forward to spending time with your partner?
Are you dealing with the aftermath of an affair or are you or your partner currently in an affair?
Are you contemplating ending your relationship with your spouse or partner? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the idea and afraid of making the wrong decision?
Many of us, when faced with problems in relationships try doing the same things we’ve done before, yet we expect something different to happen. But if you’re willing to try doing some things that are different, you may find that shifting your usual patterns can add new energy and excitement to your relationship, as well as help you find new ways of connecting.
If you’re experiencing relationship problems, you’ve come to the right place. Mary offers that fresh perspective, suggestions for change, support for what’s difficult and through it all, an empathetic alliance, so neither you or your partner feels like you must solve these difficult problems alone.